UN reports on religious freedom published
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UN reports on religious freedom published

The International Institute of Religious Freedom published all the 12 official reports to the UN Human Rights Council of the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religions and Belief, presented by the present United Nations Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, Heiner Bielefeldt. Each report has its own specific topic like religious minorities,…

Florence conference “Law and Freedom of Belief in Europe – a difficult journey”

Florence conference “Law and Freedom of Belief in Europe – a difficult journey”

The All Faiths Network Director participated and spoke at an international convention held in Florence, Italy entitled “Law and Freedom of Belief in Europe, a difficult journey”. The meeting was recognized by the Council of Europe, the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe and conferred with a medal of the President of the Italian…

Human Rights Court questions Russia over Jehova’s Witnesses cases
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Human Rights Court questions Russia over Jehova’s Witnesses cases

Russia Religion News reports that the European Court of Human Rights (E.C.H.R.) has posed questions to Russia over the treatment of Jehova’s Witnesses in recent court cases (reported elsewhere on this website). The Witnesses appeal will be considered on an accelerated basis (priority). Answers to the E.C.H.R.’s questions must be presented by the Russian side before…

Russia: Exploring Interfaith Dialogue and Freedom of Religion – Report on proceedings
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Russia: Exploring Interfaith Dialogue and Freedom of Religion – Report on proceedings

Russia: Exploring Interfaith Dialogue and Freedom of Religion An event organised in Brussels by The European Interreligious Forum for Religious Freedom (EIFRF) and The All Faiths Network (AFN) Speakers: Jan Figel, EU Special Envoy for the Promotion of Freedom of Religion or Belief outside the EU Leonid Sevastianov, Executive Director of the Orthodox St. Gregory the…

Invitation to a conference/debate organised by The European Interreligious Forum for Religious Freedom (EIFRF), and the All Faiths Network

Invitation to a conference/debate organised by The European Interreligious Forum for Religious Freedom (EIFRF), and the All Faiths Network

Invitation A conference/debate organised by The European Interreligious Forum for Religious Freedom (EIFRF), and the All Faiths Network Speakers: Jan Figel EU Special Envoy for the promotion of the freedom of religion or belief outside the EU Kishan Manocha Senior Advisor on Freedom of Religion and Belief, Human Rights Department, OSCE/ODIHR Leonid Sevastianov Executive Director…

Call to challenge decline of religious freedom in Russia

Call to challenge decline of religious freedom in Russia

Eno Adeogun on the Christian news website Premier echoes the call for a challenge to the Russian repression of Jehova’s Witnesses and other religious minorities. “People concerned with religious freedom in Russia are being called on to publically share their fears. The All Faiths Network, which is open to people of every faith and belief,…

UZBEKISTAN: Torture and impunity for torturers continues

UZBEKISTAN: Torture and impunity for torturers continues

Mushfig Bayram reports on the Forum 18 news site that Muslims, Protestants, Jehova’s Witnesses and others are subject to torture. “Torture and impunity for torturers continues in Uzbekistan, directed against Muslims, Protestants, Jehovah’s Witnesses and people of other faiths. Women are targetted for assault, and in another torture case police told a Jehovah’s Witness that…

Parliamentarians from 14 countries call on Russia  for protecting religious minorities

Parliamentarians from 14 countries call on Russia for protecting religious minorities

Council of Europe cross-party initiative: Parliamentarians from 14 European countries call upon Russian government to put an end to religious freedom violations against minorities On Friday 13 October, 28 parliamentarians at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, coming from 14 European countries (including 5 from the United Kingdom) and members of the four…

‘Exposure of Conflict Areas in the World with Parlicular Referrence to Kashmir’ meeting
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‘Exposure of Conflict Areas in the World with Parlicular Referrence to Kashmir’ meeting

London: All Faiths Network Director Martin Weightman chaired a panel at the International Media Conference on “Exposure of Conflict Areas in the World with Parlicular Referrence to Kashmir. In his opening remarks he highlighted the importance of interfaith dialogue and religious leaders separating themselves out from political motivations whilst holding true to the peaceful and…

OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting
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OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting

Warsaw: AFN attended the OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting covering sessions on Freedom of Religion, Belief and Conscience as well as Tolerance and Non-Discrimination. The OSCE is an intergovernmental body comprising 57 countries and provides a forum for governments and civil society to meet together. AFN’s Director gave a presentation to the meeting on the…