Human Rights Court questions Russia over Jehova’s Witnesses cases
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Human Rights Court questions Russia over Jehova’s Witnesses cases

Russia Religion News reports that the European Court of Human Rights (E.C.H.R.) has posed questions to Russia over the treatment of Jehova’s Witnesses in recent court cases (reported elsewhere on this website). The Witnesses appeal will be considered on an accelerated basis (priority). Answers to the E.C.H.R.’s questions must be presented by the Russian side before…

Russia: Exploring Interfaith Dialogue and Freedom of Religion – Report on proceedings
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Russia: Exploring Interfaith Dialogue and Freedom of Religion – Report on proceedings

Russia: Exploring Interfaith Dialogue and Freedom of Religion An event organised in Brussels by The European Interreligious Forum for Religious Freedom (EIFRF) and The All Faiths Network (AFN) Speakers: Jan Figel, EU Special Envoy for the Promotion of Freedom of Religion or Belief outside the EU Leonid Sevastianov, Executive Director of the Orthodox St. Gregory the…

Invitation to a conference/debate organised by The European Interreligious Forum for Religious Freedom (EIFRF), and the All Faiths Network

Invitation to a conference/debate organised by The European Interreligious Forum for Religious Freedom (EIFRF), and the All Faiths Network

Invitation A conference/debate organised by The European Interreligious Forum for Religious Freedom (EIFRF), and the All Faiths Network Speakers: Jan Figel EU Special Envoy for the promotion of the freedom of religion or belief outside the EU Kishan Manocha Senior Advisor on Freedom of Religion and Belief, Human Rights Department, OSCE/ODIHR Leonid Sevastianov Executive Director…

Call to challenge decline of religious freedom in Russia

Call to challenge decline of religious freedom in Russia

Eno Adeogun on the Christian news website Premier echoes the call for a challenge to the Russian repression of Jehova’s Witnesses and other religious minorities. “People concerned with religious freedom in Russia are being called on to publically share their fears. The All Faiths Network, which is open to people of every faith and belief,…

Parliamentarians from 14 countries call on Russia  for protecting religious minorities

Parliamentarians from 14 countries call on Russia for protecting religious minorities

Council of Europe cross-party initiative: Parliamentarians from 14 European countries call upon Russian government to put an end to religious freedom violations against minorities On Friday 13 October, 28 parliamentarians at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, coming from 14 European countries (including 5 from the United Kingdom) and members of the four…

Baptists arrested in Russia complain to ECHR
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Baptists arrested in Russia complain to ECHR

Human Rights Without Frontiers reports that Donald Jay Ossewaarde, an American national who has lived in Oryol, Russia, since 2005, filed a complaint with the European Court of Human Rights March 30, 2017, based on his arrest and conviction of violating Article 5.26(5) of the Code of Administrative Offences. On Sunday, 14 August 2016, while…

Russia: Image of Putin in make-up, Falun Gong treatise, political video all classed as “extremist”, subject of prosecutions
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Russia: Image of Putin in make-up, Falun Gong treatise, political video all classed as “extremist”, subject of prosecutions

Further use of ‘anti-extremist’ laws being used to stifle dissent and new religions is reported by the SOVA Centre for Information and Analysis. In a summary introduced: “The following is our review of the primary and most representative events in the misuse of Russia’s anti-extremist legislation in June 2017”, a long list of egregious misuses…

Jehovah’s Witnesses property confiscated, members under threat of imprisonment by Russian state
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Jehovah’s Witnesses property confiscated, members under threat of imprisonment by Russian state

The following article is quoted from Russia Religion News (original here). It summarises the highly disquieting actions now being taken to persecute the religion in Russia. “DO NOT DIG A PIT FOR ANOTHER. . .” [“. . . lest you fall into it”] Ban of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia has become symbol of senseless discrimination…

Russian Supreme Court orders disbanding of Jehova’s Witnesses

Russian Supreme Court orders disbanding of Jehova’s Witnesses

Reported by the BBC and others, Russia’s Supreme Court has ordered the disbanding of the Jehovah’s Witnesses on Russian territory. The ban came into effect after the court rejected an appeal by the religious group against a ruling in April which declared it to be extremist. The justice ministry had argued that the group distributed…

A request for signatures : religious discrimination in Russia
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A request for signatures : religious discrimination in Russia

Please would you consider adding you signature to the attached letter. The All Faiths Network has been asked to circulate the letter by the Interfaith Round Table Washington – a collection of many religions in the USA as you will see from some of the existing signatories. It concerns religious discrimination in Russia and I…