Parliament meeting highlights Christianity’s role in defending human rights
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Parliament meeting highlights Christianity’s role in defending human rights

Members of the All Faiths Network attended a dinner in the UK Parliament hosted by MP Brendan O’Hara and organised by Bellwether International and Roots of Humanity Foundation. Bellwether International responds to freedom of religion or belief in pre- and post- genocide communities and works to prevent or protect communities in these conditions. The meeting…

URI Conference at the New North London Synagogue
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URI Conference at the New North London Synagogue

Members of All Faiths Network (AFN) attended a conference organised by United Religions Initiative (URI) and hosted by the New North London Synagogue and Barnet Multi Faith Forum. URI organised this conference to better understand the interfaith scene in the UK and introduce itself to other groups. Executives from both URI International and Europe attended….

Parliamentary meeting: Interfaith Works: A perspective on Success

Parliamentary meeting: Interfaith Works: A perspective on Success

Interfaith Works: A perspective on Success In a world where conflict seems to be increasing – the conference shone a light and a positive vision on religions working together Sir Stephen Timms, MP hosted an event in Parliament, organised by the All Faiths Network and Minhaj Welfare Foundation[i], which gave the perspective of different speakers…

Interfaith Works: House of Commons meeting 16th November

Interfaith Works: House of Commons meeting 16th November

The All Faiths Network is this year partnering with the Minhaj Welfare Foundation to hold an event in the UK Parliament, hosted by Stephen Timms MP. The event will take place on the 16th November 2pm – 4pm. The event features a number of speakers experienced in different aspects of interfaith. It will be an…

The Bloom review – Does Government do God?  The Good the Bad and the Ugly.
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The Bloom review – Does Government do God? The Good the Bad and the Ugly.

The following is the full text of an article published in the Law and Religion forum (co-edited by Frank Cranmer and David Pocklington, Honorary Research Fellows at the Centre for Law & Religion, Cardiff Law School) The Bloom Review: Does government ‘do God?’ – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly In a guest post,…

Largest Muslim Iftar in Europe held in Trafalgar Square
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Largest Muslim Iftar in Europe held in Trafalgar Square

By Martin Weightman. Martin has worked in the field of human rights for more than 40 years. He is the Director of the All Faiths Network, an interfaith group based in the UK. He is also on the Advisory Board of an African development organisation as their interfaith and human rights advisor. He was the European Human Rights…

Working group on freedom of religion or belief launched
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Working group on freedom of religion or belief launched

As a member of the UK Freedom of Religion or Belief Forum (UK FF), AFN launched a Working Group on freedom of religion or belief in Europe on 24th February 2023. Fortuitously, this was a special meeting held at No. 10 Downing Street and some 50 members of the Forum attended (with many more via…

“If God didn’t invent Human Rights why should religious people support them?”
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“If God didn’t invent Human Rights why should religious people support them?”

Please join us for the first in this All Faiths Network supported series of “Conversations Across Beliefs” at 6pm on 27 October 2021. See the full invitation here Please go here for more details and register at this zoom link ( and forward the invitation to your contacts too. Best regards Martin Weightman AFN

Interfaith Network AGM and Annual National Meeting
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Interfaith Network AGM and Annual National Meeting

Tracey Coleman attended this year’s Interfaith Network AGM and Annual National Meeting. The All Faiths Network is a National Member Body. The purpose of IFN is to Promoting inter faith understanding and cooperation and acts as an umbrella group for different interfaith groups and religious organisations to to promote understanding, cooperation and good relations between…

Ahmadiyya Noor mosque welcomes Bishop of Chichester for interfaith meeting

Ahmadiyya Noor mosque welcomes Bishop of Chichester for interfaith meeting

On the occasion of the Bishop of Chichester, the Right Reverend Dr. Martin Warner, visiting the Crawley area, an interfaith meeting was organised by and held at the Ahmadiyya Noor mosque in Crawley.[ezcol_1half] [/ezcol_1half][ezcol_1half_end] [/ezcol_1half_end] A minute’s silence was held in memory of the New Zealand atrocity. The Bishop, along with a number of other…