Middle-East Conflict
We deeply appreciate the ceasefire in Gaza, which brings hope for peace and relief to countless lives. This critical pause allows much-needed humanitarian aid to reach Palestinian civilians and creates the opportunity to reunite hostages with their families after enduring more than 15 months in captivity. Let us continue to work toward lasting solutions and…
We deeply appreciate the ceasefire in Gaza, which brings hope for peace and relief to countless lives. This critical pause allows much-needed humanitarian aid to reach Palestinian civilians and creates the opportunity to reunite hostages with their families after enduring more than 15 months in captivity. Let us continue to work toward lasting solutions and justice for all.
A number of AFN members also attended a grass roots peace conference which was held concurrently in London with Israeli and Palestinian representations. Sheik Rahman was particularly helpful and contributed to the meeting. We hope we played some small part in the overall trend towards peace by our involvement as people from different faiths seeking to live and work together. The meeting on this subject was organised by Minds of Peace and Wasatia Academic Instutute. This was reported on https://youtu.be/u1Lrl1kkWUw?si=UTJ9POyibhma8nja .